DUPR info

Let's get our DUPR on!
About Saturday's event:
1) It IS currently looking like we will be rained out. Just know I'm watching it and may need to cancel Saturday early morning.
2) It IS necessary that we have all 32 bodies to make this work, so if you have to cancel, please change your RSVP to "No" so that someone on the waitlist can drop in. If you're on the waitlist, please watch for this to happen.
3) It WILL BE 32 people on 8 courts and for the first round, you will be assigned a court depending on your current DUPR score. You can pick your partner. You WILL get a few minutes to warm up before we start. Lower scores and those Not Rated "NR" in DUPR will be on the lower numbered courts and those with higher scores in the range will be in the "cage" aka: the newer courts. We are all grouped together for convenience.
4) The games WILL BE timed so that we can start all games at the same time. Expect to get about 6-7 games in. Play to 11 and win by 1. Once the whistle has blown, play will stop, no matter what score you have reached. If there is a tie like 8-8, then rally scoring will be used on the next point - meaning whoever wins the next rally - whether they served or received - will win the game 9 to 8. Then you will write down the scores and the names of all on your court and provide them to me (I'll have a basket). I usually just host these, but I do want to play in this one, so I will need everyone to help me out by providing your scores and names. If you've ever played a DUPR night at the Oldsmar indoor facility, it will be like that.
5) Winners WILL move to a higher court number and split up. Losers WILL move down a court and split up. We will have a 2-minute break between games. When you go to your next court, you can pick whichever partner you want to play with. Only the first round is assigned.
6) These events ARE a way to meet new people of similar levels and have some fun! Communicate with your new partner and work to get that W! This IS a competitive event though, so if you don't like having your weakness targeted (aka, your weak backhand at the net), then you might not want to see me across from you on the court. LOL. Everybody bring your A game!
7) There WILL BE a charge of $7 by credit card only if you are not a member of HCC. If you have never played there before, you will need to come about 10 mins early to sign a waiver through your phone at the front desk first.
8) For players with an NR for doubles play in DUPR, you WILL get a DUPR score about a week after the scores are entered (that was the protocol last I checked. If you get one sooner, then great!). It does take DUPR about 20 games to really start getting a good idea where you should be rated, so don't put too much importance on your score yet. (See #1 below).
1) This is NOT a guaranteed way to raise your DUPR score. It will go up and down. You will win some and you will lose some due to the up-river, down-river nature of the event. Be cool with it. Trust me that not assigning any real importance to your DUPR score will help you sleep better at night.
2) This is NOT the time to be cranky about your partner, to your partner, your opponents, or about your score or anything at all, really. We're alive and playing pickleball, and that's all that matters. Please come and KEEP that mindset. Be a goldfish. :-)
IF any of this does not sound like the most enjoyable way to spend your Saturday, please change your RSVP to "No" and we will see you on the courts another time.
If you have not yet joined my DUPR club, please do so. This allows me to enter the scores for everyone instead of you each doing it separately. Instructions below:
How to get DUPR? Go to your mobile app store for iOS or Android and download the DUPR app. Its logo is a blue background with DUPR in white letters.
Once you sign in and create your account, you will see at the bottom of your screen the ability to search for clubs. Enter "play some pickleball" and you'll see my club name at the top. Click that and join. I will need to authorize it from a laptop, so it won't happen immediately, but I will get to it within a day.
You can read more about DUPR and their FAQ's on their website, mydupr.com.
Why get a DUPR rating? If you're interested in playing local tournaments, more and more are turning to DUPR to accurately place you in skill levels. There are some tournaments where you must have a DUPR rating to play. For those just playing recreationally, it is still a good way to gauge where you rank.
Questions? Click to email me at elizabeth@playsomepickleball.com